Monday, 16 April 2012

My holiday to disneyland-paris

Once we heard that jade and i were going to disneyland for three days we were over the moon. Mum, Jade, Scott,Luke (my brothers) and i were going. Evan though we weren't going for another week Jade and i raced each other pushing and pulling to get to the bedroom first and pack. taking out all mt clothes from my wardrobe i stuffed everything in my suite case jade did the same, but as we were going through the week we had to take most of our clothes out to get dressed any way.
IT'S TIME! we are finally going to disneyland. we had to travel for four hours to the midlands stopped to have a break and a cuppa tea at my Nans and Grandads house, then got back in the car and three hours to dover. we got to dover and saw the white cliffs of dover, mum,scott and luke Started singing (There will be blue birds over the white cliffs of dover) In a funny accent. we drove the car onto the ferry and set off on our holiday but the sea was very rought and make most of us sick. the journey on the ferry took us 2 hours to calias. We left the ferry and drove through fance and three hours later we were at the explorers hotel in disney land paris.
At the hotle we were shown to our room, had dinner and went straight to the swimming pool that had a huge water slide YIPPY! at the pool Jade and i went onto the big slide a couple of time and our third time  Jade whisperd in my ear "Aimee if you wait for me in the middle of the slide ill come down and we can slide the rest of the was down together" stupidly i said ok and waited for her in the middle. i waited for about five minuets and figured that she wasn't coming down and had played a stupid trick on me so as i was about slide the rest of the was down a huge man that looked like a gorila came down instead and we came out of the slide together. As i came out there was Jade, Mum, Scott and Luke all laughing at me. HUMILIATING! After the swimming pool we all went back the the hotel room and went to sleep dreaming about the morning.
Our second day at disneyland we got up super early had breakfast  and went straight to all the rides. We went on everything there so much i can't remember all but one ride that stood out called "It's a small world" we didn't have to que for it has there was hardly anyone about so we got straight on this little boat and paddled through a tunnel. through the tunnle was thousands of tiny little puppets singing the same line over and over "It's a small world after all" It was very funny. Scott and luke went on a big ride that Jade and i weren't big enought to go on so we checked out chiken littles den and took some funny photos. After all the fun and excitement we had somthing to eat and cooled down back at the swimming pool (don't worry Jade had to think twice before pulling a trick on me again) We played in the pool for a couple of hours then got out and had some dinner. Mum took us all to a very posh resturant but i still had a buger and chips with milkshake on the side. but Mum, Jade, Scott and Luke had piella (It looked GROSS) after dinner we all went in to our hotel rooms ready for bed, Apart from luke he got quite drunk and starded taking the micky out of the french men and chtting up the french women (Evan though he couldn't talk french) Scott brang him in and put him to bed and then we all went to sleep.
The Last day. We had a great time in Disneyland and wanted to make it last so before we left Mum took Jade and i into the disney shop and we brought  LOADS! And LOADS! Of toys too many that Mum had to buy another suite case for the shop the put them in. having lots of memories and photos of what a fantastic time we had we started out very long a boaring trip back home.

By Aimee Ashley

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